Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Club Penguin Quick Update and More Puffle Stuff!

Hello penguins!
Lately a lot of you have been experiencing loading problems, according to Billybob and the Club Penguin staff.  They just want to let you know that they are working on it, and it should be fixed in no time!
Also, they are giving us another sneak peek to this awesome puffle stuff!
That looks like the new puffle interactions screen!  It looks like a lot more fun than it is right now!  I hope there will be lots more we can do with our puffles!
I can’t wait for this puffle stuff, and I hope it will be released sometime this week – What do you think?  Leave a comment to let us know your opinion on this pu

puffle catolog

Club Penguin 2011 Pet Furniture Catalog Cheats!

Hey penguins!  Along with the puffle updates, Club Penguin has released a new “Love Your Pet” catalogue!  Here’s the cover:
Now let’s take a look inside!
On the first page, we have toys for all puffles to play with!  These ones go in your igloo!
Next, we have some SUPER TOYS!  These are toys SPECIALLY made for a certain puffle!  If you buy these, and you have that certain colour of puffle, the toy will appear in the play section of the new Puffle Playercards!
Now, here are some more super toys!
Here, there are the puffle houses.  If you click on the red, black, or white puffles, three more beds will come up!
On this page, there are the puffle beds and some food for you to put down in your igloo!  On this page, if you click on the orange puffle, you’ll get two more puffle beds!
On this final page, there’s NEW food that you can buy for your puffles!  When you buy these special foods, they will appear in the food category of the NEW puffle playercard screens!
These updates are amazing, and I’m really impressed!  What do you think?  Leave a comment to let me know!


Club Penguin Puffle Quiz!

Hello penguins!  Have you ever wanted to adopt a puffle, but just couldn’t decide which one fits you best?  Well Club Penguin has a solution!  If you go to the improved Pet Shop, you will see this:
Once you’re there, click on it and the quiz will begin!
You will be asked a few questions, such as this one!
After you answer the questions, it’ll tell you which puffle is right for you!  In the end, Club Penguin thinks that I’d be perfect for a GREEN puffle!
If you click on “Find out more” a page about the puffle will come up:
This is such a cool idea, in fact, I think I might just go and buy a green puffle right now!
I think this is a great idea, and I really enjoy this new feature!
:puffle: -Slidoo ;)

login sheets

4 New Login Screens

To go along with all of the new puffle updates, Club Penguin has released 4 new startup screens.  Yup, you guessed it!  They’re about puffles!  Take a look:
Wow!  I think that these are really cool screens, and I can tell that Club Penguin put a lot of effort into them!  What do you think?